
The Atrium

The Atrium is an early intervention, enhanced provision for children with social, emotional and mental health challenges. We work across South Essex to offer support to schools, pupils and families with an aim to help children rediscover a love of learning, grow in confidence and begin to thrive in their mainstream school.

The children we work with will have experienced challenges in coping with a mainstream classroom setting and need additional interventions and support. The specialist staff at The Atrium have extensive experience and are highly skilled in using Trauma Perceptive Practice to enable children to expand their social and emotional awareness, develop their stress-regulation systems and improve well-being through building resilience and self-confidence.

Building relationships is at the heart of everything we do at The Atrium, and our aim is to support the building of secure relationships between school staff, children and their families in order to facilitate the successful full-reintegration of pupils back into full-time mainstream education or, in some cases, long-term specialist provision if this is appropriate.

Through relationships children are supported in recognising when they are feeling stressed and learn new, pro-social ways to manage their emotions and eventually self-regulate to improve their capacity to positively engage with learning.

The support we offer is individually tailored and bespoke for each child and may take the form of in-school outreach and staff training or a shared timetable where more intensive provision is necessary.

We regularly collaborate with other specialist provisions and services to ensure we are always sharing best professional practice.

All pupils that work with us come through the Primary SEMH Panel, which is accessed through CSS.

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